I'm listening to- Marilyn Monroe-Do it again
Yesterday I spent the afternoon hanging upside down on a trapeze, it is weird at first being upside down and not being 10, and the backs of my knees are a bruised from hanging on so tight. I have mastered getting onto it with some elegance, but still manage to land like an elephant. If i can get through the course and make the moves look effortless and graceful i'll be happy, but its hard to feel good when you are wearing lycra, and people have to watch you, lycra clad and smiling through the pain. If someone were to write me a nice big cheque i'd be straight down to american apparel to make up a trapeze outfit, i'd buy a gymnastics style leotard, running style shorts and really long socks so i can stop getting rope burn and bruises
If, by some miracle, i get amazingly good at trapeze and get to run away and join the circus, I will wear a dress because I'll be so good I'll know how not to get tangled up in it. Years ago I did ballet shows and had to wear some really awful dresses (polka dot hot pink flamenco dress one year-it was a bad day for me) but in amongst the dress horrors were some gems. My favorite was a pale mint green and white dress, the top was like a leotard but with a lace frill on the edge, and the skirt was layers and layers of tulle. If I ever become a world famous trapeze artist I will have an adult sized one made.
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