Monday, 3 December 2012
(Completely unrehearsed) Christmas show on the silks
This term I have mostly been learning moves that are really sore (like balancing on your back) or that a a bit scary and so i am too much of a wimp to practice them a lot, and so I didnt have any time to rehearse a performance, but I couldnt let christmas go by without putting on a hat and getting on with a here it is (unrehearsed!) i am much better when no one is looking....honest
Friday, 23 November 2012
Snow Black's Sleepy Cinema Trip
The Shining is one of my favorite movies ever...maybe it is because its a horror film that doesn't leave me with nightmares afterwards, or because of how good the casting is, of how Jack Nicholson is so right in the role, but i know it has something to do with the 70's styling of the hotel and the clothes the characters wear..
The uncut version was played at the Edinburgh Filmhouse just after Halloween and I couldn't wait to go and see it and see what bloody bits they had cut out, I like old cinemas because they normally have funny patterned carpets and let you drink tea or booze whilst watching the film, but the downside is you have to sit really close next to the people around you and sometimes what is really bad about art house cinemas is that some people laugh a lot at things that aren't really funny, just a bit ironic or subtle, i think it makes people feel better about themselves, to prove to the rest of the audience that they are squashed up next to that they are clever enough to get the joke, it just makes me think that they should stay home and watch it on dvd, the worst is when they clap at the end of a film, it always has been, and always will be, a bit alien to me.
Anyway, I wore my new white dress with white tights, i like to think, that combined with my new brighter red hair it makes me look a bit like a ghost, the dress is a bit victorian in style, with a high neckline, and reminds me of the ghost twins outfit in the film....
Of course I doubt anyone got the connection as they were too busy calculating where to laugh to sound clever (annoying) i am starting to think i should be the one at home watching it on DVD now...
Later on in the film i started to get a bit sleepy (anaemia sucks) and so i had a nice little cinema nap, I didn't feel so bad because of all the uncut scenes that i saw, they were all un-exciting and contained no gore, and the uncut scenes at the end of skeleton ghosts just ruined it...
My favorite outfits in the film, besides the twins dresses, is Wendy's red jumpsuit with a pinafore over the top, and Danny's Apollo jumper, infact all of his wardrobe..
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Blood for Dracula
Being told that you are anaemic makes sense when you wake up some mornings and resemble this...
Having to go for another blood test make me think of this...
But at least in the meantime I can carve a pumpkin, get my hair dyed a brighter red and take my mind off the impending attack on my veins by going out to watch the uncut version of this...
Having to go for another blood test make me think of this...
But at least in the meantime I can carve a pumpkin, get my hair dyed a brighter red and take my mind off the impending attack on my veins by going out to watch the uncut version of this...
Monday, 22 October 2012
Snow Black's Traumatic Tuesday
For as long as I can remember my body has adapted the same strategy for coping with injections, blood tests and cuts (no matter how minor) gives in and passes out, it is out of my control and so I just have to go with it. I hate fainting, the horrible feeling you get just before you go, the mental dreams you get when you are out and the horrible feeling of not knowing where you are or who is infront of you when you come round, or why your head/face/legs are so sore (because you bashed them off the hardwood floor/table/cupboard) it has all happened to me so many times, followed by the usual questions of..are you epileptic (no) does this happen a lot (yes) did you eat breakfast (yes) and are you normally this pale (yes, unfortunately, i am)
Last Tuesday was the most horrific of them all, I had to go in for blood tests and I had a week to wait for the appointment, a week of fear! I know it doesnt hurt, the pain doesnt scare me, it is knowing I am going to pass out. The nurse was really nice but she made the mistake of showing me the bottles that she had to fill my blood into, bad start. As I laid on the bed (I cant hack it sat up) I turned my head away and listened to some music but as i felt the needle go in all i could think of was the bottles and the blood...and my veins, and the needle...having a vivid imagination can be a really bad thing. And so it wasnt long before that horrible fuzzy feeling happened and no amount of water or putting my head down was about to stop my blood draining from my head, and so I passed out...and had a fit...and had a dream that I was was the worst faint ever...i came around mumbling "MY LEGS!" they were so sore, in my dramatic faint i had managed to move myself down the bed and kick my legs off a cupboard, i had to have my legs and arms pinned down whilst i was out.. i still have bruises a week later. The only good thing about a big faint is that when you have came around and had a bit of water you can rest in the comfort that its all over, but not this time, as i sat up my head did the fuzzy thing again, i panicked, and off i was again...ugh, I left the doctors an hour after my appointment, wrapped up in a travel rug in the back of the car, praying there will be no more blood tests for another 5 years at least..
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
"All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey..."
Summer has finally gone, I spent last night getting woken up by the wind and rain battering against the windows, and now autumn is here it means I get to wear lots of red and brown and burgundy, kick the leaves around, hide bad hair days with a hat, wear leather boots and gloves, use my shower creme that makes me smell like a bucket of popcorn, and dye my hair a brighter shade of red.
For more floral adventures (and sometimes fashion..) follow me on my second blog
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Dear Santa...
Dear Santa
I have been good most of the year, so i am giving you 3 months notice to save up to leave me these Gucci dresses under the tree..
Friday, 14 September 2012
Seeing Red at the Opera Garnier restaurant, Paris
Francoise Hardy Le Temps De L'amour
Last year lots of design blogs wrote about the new restaurant at the Opera House In Paris, and so I'd be a bit late to the party if i wrote a design report/building history/conversion post, instead you can find them on sites like boom blog. After visiting last week for breakfast (dinner was too expensive, and breakfast is the best meal of the day anyways, breakfast there was pricey too, but affordable, the honey was the best I've ever eaten, and besides,you can milk it and sit there for ages) I realised something was missing from the blog write ups that I had one had mentioned the toilets, and how could they not have?! I think its essential when you get to visit a well designed hotel/restaurant/public building to take a trip to the bathrooms to see if the good design continues, and here it was AMAZING. The space is divided into three sections-cublicles in a private room on one side for women, the same on the other side for men, and a shared hand washing/mirror area. The toilets themselves were painted out black with a red light and were a bit nightclub style spooky for me, but the vanity unit/sink was the best designed piece of bathroom furniture ever; some sink units look really well designed and sleek but designers don't always think out how they work and the handsoap goops out over the counter top, or the taps splash water out at you and you can't put your handbag down anywhere without it getting soaked, but here they had thought of everything, it looked ACE and it was ACE (or form was equal to function if you want to be more eloquent about it); as you hovered your hands over the sink unit the water came out from underneath and the whole unit changed from glowing white to red, this kept me entertained way more than it should have, then, the drier worked in the same way, blowing up heat from below (very handy and more elegant for discreet emergency hair drying incidences than bending over under a standard drier), the only thing they didn't manage to integrate into it was the handsoap, which came out of traditional style units, which was a bit boring, and it was a shame that they were probably made to put up small signs saying "hot water" just incase some idiot tourist sued them for a burnt hand; but i cant really hold those against them because overall they were cool as hell.
On a "what i wore" note--i wore my new red peplum skirt, peplum top (i didnt think i could pull off a peplum but i'm giving it a go anyways), and red brogues with my blue satchel, so pretty much, I camouflaged into the interior, which is always a good thing in my book.
Paris when it sizzles
Last weekend I went on my second trip to Paris, It was good to go back and skip all the main tourist things you feel like you have to do the first time round. This time I went to a huge flea market with endless stalls of old magazines, badges, taxidermy, clothes and postcards and came back with two weird jugs; I went to a flower market that also sold birds and bunnies, ate a lot of ice cream and steak, found some of the cats that live in Montmarte cemetery and went on a midnight shopping trip to Sephora-a whole store full of make up and perfumes but didnt buy anything after inhaling too much expensive but overpowering perfume and feeling sick. I did some tourist stuff like climb to the top of the Sacre Coeur which was knackering but worth it, visited Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde's graves, which were disappointing and felt a bit tacky, and went down to the catacombs, which was nice to get out of the 35 degree heat,but felt weird, its just wrong for your skull to be buried seperate to your leg, plus I didnt see anthing other than skulls and leg and arm bones ( its too long since i studied biology to know the real words) so, where did all the hips, hands and feet go?
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Friday, 17 August 2012
Travel rug tartan and camoflage (Pimping out my ride)
I always wanted my first car to be a ford capri, or a fiat 500 (preferably 1970s) but sometimes you have to accept that you can barely parallel park a city car, and that you're not strong enough for the lack of power steering, and that the person you are sharing the car with wants something sensible, and annoyingly, sensible always wins out. And so I will wait patiently for my mid life crisis when hopefully i will have enough money to be ridiculous and buy my un-drivable car even if it is just to drive to the supermarket. Shopping for a modern car was depressing, the reason i love vintage cars the most is for their interiors, the patterned fabrics, huge steering wheels, leather trims. It makes me sad when people dismiss interior design, when they say that the design of a space doesn't affect the user, they are so wrong. I don't know anything about the car industry, but i do know that today's interior fabric choices of grey or black is depressing when you have to spend so much. Nothing excites, nothing has any personality, can someone please take inspiration from past car interiors and do something new? My new car's interior is black, its plastic,its boring, and so i am pimping it out, with a tartan travel rug to start with.
Living in Scotland, I don't feel like i can wear tartan anymore in fear of looking like an American tourist, back in the early 90's, when i lived in England and was starting to buy my own clothes, tartan made some sort of brief comeback (i think it was the john paul gaultier influence) i had a pair of proper travel rug pattern trousers that i loved, alongside 2 tartan pinafore dresses that i used to wear over long sleeve silky satin shirts, i dont think i could get away with the trousers now but i wish i still had the dresses, i would get someone to upholster all the car seats in matching tartan and travel around camouflage style, so it would just look like a floating head and hands driving the car. It reminded me of a scene from the film "garden state" where the main character gets a shirt made for him to match his mum's bathroom wallpaper.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
A few of my favorite things...
Making a (very wonky) ombre cake, serves 12, will be consumed by 2, going to have to do a lot of running this weekend....
Does anyone else live in a really old flat where nothing is level meaning that all cakes come out lopsided, or is it just me being a rubbish baker?....
The Kurt Geiger shoe sale, problem is, you can never stop at one pair, even if you know the most wear you will get out of them is when sat at your dressing table spraying perfume and fixing your make up.
Feeding deer, I wish deer were domesticated, I would have this one thanks, he was really greedy, I think we'd get on.
The Kurt Geiger shoe sale, problem is, you can never stop at one pair, even if you know the most wear you will get out of them is when sat at your dressing table spraying perfume and fixing your make up.
Feeding deer, I wish deer were domesticated, I would have this one thanks, he was really greedy, I think we'd get on.
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