My favorite film of all time is the Wizard of Oz, I watched it every single night after school instead of cartoons and would dance around the room like Dorothy dances down the yellow brick road.
My Dorothy obsession never ended and now when I see a pair of ruby red shoes i can't not buy them. The most Dorothy like are my super high, sequined Kurt Geiger heels. They are so high that I cant actually walk in them outdoors, so they sit on my bookcase most of the time. Every now and then I wear them around the house, and they make really good dancing shoes.
My best friend Laura loves the Wizard of Oz too, I don't get to dance with Laura enough but it'd be fun to play some Le Tigre and Fiery Furnaces and Sleater Kinney and some Elastica and dance around my room. I'd wear my long black and white stripy socks and black lace dress with my ruby red shoes so i could be like the wicked witch of the east.
I do like your shoes...xx